
Funding Available

For companies that are interested in going down the Lean Construction route there is funding available from Enterprise Ireland & the IDA to help fund the effort to implement almost all of our services. See below links to business offers and a high level summary of the offers.
For all Lean Business offers please contact us for an overview of what would suit your company to get you started on your lean journey.

Enterprise Ireland Lean Business Offers

Summary of Lean Business Offers

Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues within their businesses by building the capability of their people to identify problems, improve operations and create a more innovative organisation.

The Lean Business offers provide funding for companies to kick start their lean journey and improve their productivity to increase company competitiveness grow and sustain employment in Ireland. They offers provide funding for external Training or Advisory Services provided by suitable Lean Service provider. We are an approved Lean Service provider and have worked with many companies availing of these offers.

Each level of support is characterised by increasing levels of capability in implementing Lean business principles and other best practice approaches to drive company awareness, adoption and integration of Lean tools and techniques.

The three offers currently available are:

Lean Start

Eligible Cost ElementsEligible CostsEligible Grant
External Lean Training Advisory Costs Maximum of €6,300 Based on 7 days Advisory Services where the eligible costs are capped at €900 per day. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. Maximum of €5,000 Based on a grant rate of 80% of eligible costs.

Lean Start

Eligible Cost Elements
External Lean Training Advisory Costs
Eligible Costs
Maximum of €6,300 Based on 7 days Advisory Services where the eligible costs are capped at €900 per day. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher.
Eligible Grant
Maximum of €5,000 Based on a grant rate of 80% of eligible costs.

Lean Plus

Eligible Cost ElementsEligible CostsEligible Grant
External Lean Training and Advisory costs provided by a Service Provider on the EI directory Eligible external training costs are capped at €900 per day. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. Training Course fees where applicable for specialised external courses that support the project goals. Salary cost of up to 3 company ‘Lean project champions’, up to 50% of the total project cost, subject to a combined maxmium of 250 days at a maximum supported rate of €200 per day. Up to €100,000 in eligible expenditure Actual spend by the company on the project may be higher. 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of €50,000

Lean Plus

Eligible Cost Elements
External Lean Training and Advisory costs provided by a Service Provider on the EI directory Eligible external training costs are capped at €900 per day. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. Training Course fees where applicable for specialised external courses that support the project goals. Salary cost of up to 3 company ‘Lean project champions’, up to 50% of the total project cost, subject to a combined maxmium of 250 days at a maximum supported rate of €200 per day.
Eligible Costs
Up to €100,000 in eligible expenditure Actual spend by the company on the project may be higher.
Eligible Grant
50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of €50,000

Lean Transform

Eligible Cost ElementsEligible Costs
Trainers' personnel costs, for the hours during which the trainers participate in the training; trainees' personnel costs for the hours during which the train Eligible external trainer costs are capped at €900 per day including expenses. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. Internal staff time (trainer or trainee) is based on actual pay rates subject to a cap of €350 per day. Course costs for approved external courses that support the project goals
Trainers' and trainees' operating costs directly relating to the training project such as travel expenses, materials and supplies directly related to the project, to the extent that they are used exclusively for the training project. Travel and subsistence expenses are allowed as per standard EI policy where deemed reasonable and required for the training project4 . Materials costs are allowable where there are materials required for the training project that are not readily available. This can include; - costs of specific workbooks or other non-routine training materials - license costs for the use of software or e-learning/VR/AR content Materials costs are not allowed for; - general stationery (flip-charts, paper, photo-copying etc), - costs for Learning Management platforms, - the development of training content. Where approved by Enterprise Ireland, eligible costs can include rental costs of training facilities where it can be demonstrated that adequate facilities are not otherwise available to the company.
Costs of expert advisory services linked to the training project for advice and guidance on training programme implementation and appraisal as well as benchmarking / diagnostics where appropriate. Costs of advisory services are capped at €900 per day including expenses. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. It is EI policy to limit the support for advisory services to a maximum of 10% of the total eligible training project spend up to a project maximum of €200,000.

Lean Transform

Eligible Cost Elements
Trainers' personnel costs, for the hours during which the trainers participate in the training; trainees' personnel costs for the hours during which the train
Trainers' and trainees' operating costs directly relating to the training project such as travel expenses, materials and supplies directly related to the project, to the extent that they are used exclusively for the training project.
Costs of expert advisory services linked to the training project for advice and guidance on training programme implementation and appraisal as well as benchmarking / diagnostics where appropriate.
Eligible Costs
Eligible external trainer costs are capped at €900 per day including expenses. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. Internal staff time (trainer or trainee) is based on actual pay rates subject to a cap of €350 per day. Course costs for approved external courses that support the project goals
Travel and subsistence expenses are allowed as per standard EI policy where deemed reasonable and required for the training project4 . Materials costs are allowable where there are materials required for the training project that are not readily available. This can include; - costs of specific workbooks or other non-routine training materials - license costs for the use of software or e-learning/VR/AR content Materials costs are not allowed for; - general stationery (flip-charts, paper, photo-copying etc), - costs for Learning Management platforms, - the development of training content. Where approved by Enterprise Ireland, eligible costs can include rental costs of training facilities where it can be demonstrated that adequate facilities are not otherwise available to the company.
Costs of advisory services are capped at €900 per day including expenses. Actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher. It is EI policy to limit the support for advisory services to a maximum of 10% of the total eligible training project spend up to a project maximum of €200,000.

The information provided in this section is summary, to find the up to date information please visit the Enterprise Ireland website. See link below:


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